Cross-border social dialogue could pave the way to international regulation of a key feature of the 21st-century world of work.
Thorben Albrecht, Kostas Papadakis and Maria Mexi
Thorben Albrecht is policy director of IG Metall, Germany’s largest trade union. He was a member of the Global Commission on the Future of Work established by the International Labour Organization. As a state secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs from 2014 to 2018, he launched the ‘Work 4.0’ dialogue on shaping quality jobs in the digital age. Dr Kostas Papadakis is a senior specialist in the Governance and Tripartism Department of the ILO, focusing on national and cross-border social dialogue and industrial relations, participatory governance and corporate social responsibility. Dr Maria Mexi is affiliated with the Graduate Institute—Albert Hirschman Centre of Democracy and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, heading the Initiative on Shaping the Future of the Platform Economy and Global Governance. She has also been a consultant at the ILO (Geneva).