EU’s minimum wage directive is under threat.
Germany’s Minimum Wage Controversy: Will the EU Directive Be Enforced?
The EU pushes for a 60 per cent median wage standard—yet Germany resists. What’s at stake for fair wages?
Not done yet—applying the minimum-wages directive
The directive has already changed the landscape on setting minimum wages and extending collective bargaining.
Minimum-wages directive—history in the making
The directive fundamentally strengthens collective bargaining and trade union power.
Germany on the way to adequate minimum wages
The hike to €12 is also a strong signal on the planned European minimum-wages directive.
More ambitious European minimum-wages directive demanded
The European Parliament has upped the ante, beyond a European Commission proposal, on a minimum-wages directive.
Greek Collective Bargaining After The Third Memorandum
The radical restructuring of Greek collective bargaining was right from the beginning one of the core demands of the Troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Under the first two Memoranda, Greece was forced to agree to far-reaching changes in the legal framework of collective bargaining which led […]
Preconditions For Successful Implementation Of The New Minimum Wage In Germany
It is just a few weeks since the minimum wage was introduced in Germany, but it is already becoming quite clear that its implementation in practice cannot be taken for granted. Scarcely a day goes by without the media reporting new minimum wage breaches. Online, meanwhile, law firms openly offer counselling on how to sidestep […]