The paradox of inequality
Kate Pickett explains how to turn the vicious circle of inequality and social mistrust into a virtuous one.
Social Europe is an award-winning digital media publisher driven by the core values of freedom, sustainability, and equality. These principles guide our exploration of society’s most pressing challenges. This archive page curates Social Europe articles focused on societal issues, offering a rich resource for innovative thinking and informed debate.
Kate Pickett explains how to turn the vicious circle of inequality and social mistrust into a virtuous one.
Reviving the postwar spirit of egalitarianism is an economic and social imperative.
The Conference on the Future of Europe failed to address persons with disabilities.
Lisa Pelling explains how ‘freedom of choice’ has wrought a vicious circle of inequality and underperformance.
After a decade of inertia, the EU has made little progress on the deinstitutionalisation of disabled people.
Europe Day should be a day of celebration. Today it is an affirmation of resolve.
In public vaccination programmes, all humans should be equal. But some have proved more equal than others.
From Ukraine to the cost-of-living crisis to the pandemic, the social challenges of the moment demand a solidaristic response.
The forthcoming European Care Strategy must seek to return long-term care to public control.
We are facing two huge crises: Ukraine and the pandemic. But no one is putting them together.
Wishful thinking has left many in Europe unaware that we are now stuck on a low road of significant, burdensome infection.
A European layer of social insurance is increasingly necessary.
Nominally egalitarian education systems, Kate Pickett writes, can in reality reproduce deep social inequalities.
Minimum standards for national equality bodies are needed to ensure equal treatment applies equally across the EU.
Amid growing food insecurity and climate breakdown, the EU must ensure healthy and sustainable food is accessible and affordable for all.
Amid the argument over the rule of law in some member states, civil society needs strengthening, embodying European values.
Lisa Pelling begins a new Social Europe column with lessons for integration—especially from Sweden.
European countries should start preparing to integrate the new arrivals for the long term.
Tackling gender-based violence, on which an EU directive proposal is expected today, is key to restoring momentum to the feminist cause.
The scandal of Europe’s biggest eldercare operator highlights how a public good has been turned into a private asset class.
There is so much to do to bring about gender equality in Europe. Much too much for only one day of the year.