Transport poverty in France fuelled the grievances mobilised by the gilets jaunes. EU policy-makers need to address this social dimension to the green transformation.
Pierre Jean Coulon, Lou Lamure-Guigard and Kristian Krieger
Pierre Jean Coulon is president of the European Economic and Social Committee’s ‘TEN’ section—Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society. He has had a distinguished career in the French trade union movement (CFTC), the United Nations’ Commission for Sustainable Development and the international NGO Droit à l’Energie SOS Futur. Lou Lamure-Guigard graduated from Sciences Po Lyon in France. She assists the EESC secretariat’s evaluation of EU energy and transport policies. Kristian Krieger is responsible for energy policy in the secretariat of the TEN section. He holds a PhD in environmental governance from King’s College London.