Brexit, the long-dreaded and/or -anticipated event that some of us believed would never actually happen, has come to pass. History has been made and we will all have to live with the consequences, whatever they may be. The image of the EU as a kind of Hotel California from which no country, having entered, could […]
‘Matriotism’ – How To Love Your Homeland While Repudiating Chauvinism
Two days ago, in my homeland of Australia, and in New Zealand, it was ANZAC Day. ANZAC Day commemorates the attempted invasion of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 by British Empire and French forces. As I live in Turkey, am married to a Turk, and have two Turkish-Australian daughters descended from both ANZACs and Mehmetçiks, […]
Inequality, Freedom And The Politics Of Power
Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century has handed those of us interested in a better, more socially-just political economy a huge gift. I can only hope we don’t squander the energy it has given us by getting bogged down and distracted by the conservative backlash and smear campaign currently underway. For those of us […]
It’s Time For Social-Democracy To Exit The Twentieth Century
There are a lot of good ideas being generated among social-democratic thinkers these days and, although this article is going to be critical in many respects, of the current state of social-democracy in Europe, it is absolutely worth acknowledging the excellent work being done by progressive intellectuals on constructing a new European political economy. The […]