The elections in Spain represented a modest victory for the outgoing Socialists but the rhetoric of the right recalled a much darker era.
Rajoy Loses Power In Spain: What Happens Now?
Politics, unlike theatre, rarely gets pacing right. Either one spends months waiting for some seemingly inevitable drama, or all hell breaks loose in the space of a few days. The late spring of 2018 falls into the latter category. On 31 May, Italy commissioned a new government; the next day, so did Spain. The Spanish […]
How The European Far Right Uses The Dark Side Of Liberalism
The Front National secured the largest share of the vote in the first round of the French regional elections on 6 December and will aim to follow this up with success in the second round of voting on 13 December. Ben Margulies writes that while the Front National is often regarded simply as a far-right party, Marine […]