Two books focused on Britain address shifting class configurations and go back to the drawing board on a hegemonic project.
Finding solid ground: gateways to municipal socialism
From interwar Vienna through 1980s London and beyond, municipalities are the crucible of compelling socialist initiatives.
Migrant workers and xenophobia in the UK labour movement
There has been a growing climate of xenophobia towards migrant workers in the UK in recent years. Unfortunately, parts of the labour movement have been complicit in it. The UK Labour Party leadership has been receiving a lot of criticism for its handling of Brexit. In its defence, a significant number of people in constituencies […]
Labour And Its Brexit Dilemma
The British Labour Party currently teeters on the brink, trapped between following many of its northern supporters in supporting an end to the freedom of movement, and following its voters in most large cities who voted strongly to remain in the EU and are becoming increasingly anxious at the prospect of a ‘hard Brexit.’ As […]
Understanding The Resistible Rise Of Central European Authoritarianism
Viktor Orbán has posed critical challenges to concepts of human rights and democracy in Europe since his election in 2010. But there is every sign that, rather than managing and curtailing the influence of Hungary’s far-right government, other European democracies are icreasingly susceptible to comparable social and cultural pressures. Over the last five years, Orbán’s […]
Corbyn’s New Model Labour Party: A More Social Europe
The British Labour Party is now the EU’s biggest, unequivocally anti-austerity movement, with a combined membership and supporter base of more than 600,000 people, and a short-term target of half a million full members. In the last few weeks, the British Labour Party has made a decision to offer unconditional support to a ‘Yes’ vote […]
The Culture Of Contentment
Arguably there has to be a ‘tipping point’ – a point beyond which social and economic crises bring forth political and social movements. The situation for many young people in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece is bleak and, this is now being reflected in the rise of new social and political movements around the semi-periphery […]