Amid crises, breakthroughs at the G20 and UN offer hope for global cooperation and fairness.
Tax on billionaires—political vaccine against the far right
Real solutions to the crises fuelling the far right needs demand public investment. The super-rich must pay their share.
Will states support corporate capture of the future?
The United Nations Summit of the Future risks missing opportunities to give value to public goods.
Taxing the super-rich: a tool to close the gender gap
If gender equality is to be more than an International Women’s Day gesture, revenue must be raised for massive investment.
How to strengthen women’s resilience to disasters
Gender inequality exacerbates the impact of natural disasters, whose consequences compound it.
Taxing super-profits to beat inflation, defend rights
Pandemics, wars and recessions do not exempt states from human-rights commitments. They must tax multinationals and the richest more to protect the most vulnerable.
The recovery will be green and feminist or it won’t be
Chile’s new constitution could be the first to embody egalitarian and ecological principles.
Tax justice—a crucial tool to advance human rights
On Human Rights Day, the world looks a lot different through a lens of social and economic rights.
Taxing better to create more caring—and feminist—societies
International Women’s Day falls in the shadow of a pandemic which has hit women hard around the world.
Advancing gender equality requires a new fiscal pact
Women’s strikes today draw attention to the need for global tax reform, so that investment in services can ease the burden of women’s domestic labour.