As Trump reclaims the White House, Germany’s coalition collapses. Explore how these seismic events signal a shift in global power.
Reality bites: the incursion of the real into post-politics
The crisis of neoliberalism and war in Europe have left all that was solid melting into air.
Social democracy in the global south at a crossroads
Amid geoeconomic disruption and geopolitical competition, the alternatives are stark: democratic socialism or barbarism.
Remaking a rules-based world order
In an increasingly insecure world, Europe should sponsor a renewal of rules-based multilateralism.
The coming world order
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has upended the world order—and with it the energy, production, distribution and finance systems.
It’s the political economy, stupid!
The coronavirus crisis is an opportunity to shake up the social formation.
The Liberal Delusion
There’s this prevalent idea that we have to take a firm stand against right-wing populism. Yet all the anti-populist hashtags, public un-invites, and goodwill gigs of recent years have done nothing to halt its rise. Clearly, we need a more effective strategy, and the path to finding it begins by asking a simple question: whose […]
The Human Economy: Creating Decent Livelihoods In Digital Capitalism
Ever since the Second Industrial Revolution petered out, global capitalism has faced a demand crisis. If you think that all we need now is to stop austerity and spend our way out of the crisis, think again. Over the past few decades, developed economies were kept alive through artificially created demand. The inflation of the […]
Good Society: What Needs To Be Done
Trump, Brexit, Le Pen. Right-wing populist revolts are shaking the liberal order. Progressives, however, lack the strength to rein in global capitalism, break the neoliberal hegemony and fight back that populist challenge. To save democracy, we need to get down to work on three construction sites: a new economic model, an identity narrative and a […]
Ten Theses For The Fight Against Right-Wing Populism
Who is drawn to right-wing populism and why is it so dangerous? The real danger of right-wing populism lies in its ability to forge broad societal alliances In the United Kingdom, United States, Hungary, and Poland, right-wing populist alliances have shown that they can win majorities. This mass appeal is built upon a platform which […]
The Revolt Against Globalism
Donald Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States. Not many saw this coming. Which is odd, given the wave of middle and working class anger raging against ‘globalism’ around the world for a decade. Some thoughts on the post-liberal age. This election has been a rustbelt race. Trump’s bet on the […]
Transformative Platform Politics For The Digital Society
The more our societies diversify into a loose network of lifeworlds, the more important it becomes to find a platform to hold them together. This common platform cannot be made out of a potpourri of policies, but needs to be built around a credible narrative about a better future for all. Shaping the Society of […]
Shaping The Great Digital Transformation
A deep crisis is paralyzing the societies of the West. The outsourcing of low skilled manufacturing to emerging economies has created a ‘precariat’ excluded from economic, social and political life. The middle classes, already under pressure from stagnating real wages, are afraid of suffering the same fate in the digital economy. More and more people […]