The Draghi report contains some useful proposals but fails to match up to the challenges the European Union is facing.
On the road to (no)where? The SDGs at half-time
In 2015 the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 but real change demands a green social contract.
Trade policy: a call for solidarity
The age of unbridled free trade is rightfully over. Solidarity should be the new leitmotif of trade policy.
Winning in Ukraine, losing the global south?
The west’s focus on the war in Ukraine risks a geopolitically counterproductive neglect of the urgent problems of the global south.
Avoiding ‘carbon leakage’—adjustments needed
The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is ecologically justified but difficult to implement.
Global Inequality, Populism And The Future Of Democracy
The election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency as well as the seemingly inexorable ascendency of right-wing populism in Europe has raised troubling questions about the future of democracy. In his new book, Branko Milanovic (BM) discusses the relationship between global inequality and the future of capitalism and democracy, respectively (a related interview has […]