Staff shortages represent a risk to occupational health and an EU directive should mandate member states to address them.
Musculo-skeletal disorders: lifting the strain
A spotlight on health and social care shows the need for an EU directive on musculo-skeletal disorders.
Tackling staff shortages in health and social care
On World Health Day, lessons learned from workers’ expressions of discontent must be translated into action.
Protecting health workers from hazardous products
There is more clarity about hazardous medicinal products but awareness still needs to be raised to protect workers.
Health and social care: staff shortages critical
Clapping key workers was one thing—Europe needs to recruit and retain more of them.
Care workers are key to quality care
On the Global Day of Action for Care Workers, unions mobilise for investment and decent work.
Lessons learnt from the pandemic for long-term care
After privatisation and austerity, long-term care needs to be restored to resilience and readiness for an ageing population.
How Law and Justice (mis)used the pandemic to dismantle social dialogue in Poland
With the independence of Poland’s judiciary already compromised, the autonomy of social partnership has become the latest target of the ruling populists.