A political reconceptualisation is critical if humanity’s hope for a sustainable global future is to be rescued.
Global environmental governance: reform urgent
As COP27 opens in Egypt while famine sweeps Somalia, an outcome-based approach to climate change must replace the appearance of action.
Europe’s solution to its energy dependence
Europe could simply buy fewer fossil fuels from Russia, maybe more from elsewhere—but there is a more fundamental answer.
Transforming German society
More than profound changes to German citizenship laws will be needed to render a diverse society harmonious.
An unorthodox solution for Europe’s electricity crisis
National schemes sparing consumers the worst impact of soaring prices are no substitute for the EU redefining electricity as a public good.
Ursula von der Leyen’s mission ‘to the moon’
The European Green Deal rests on the commitment of the 27 member states. The fate of the renewable-energy directive shows the scale of that challenge.
The “Klimakanzlerin” Takes A Bow And Leaves A Vacuum
COP 24 in Poland starts the exit of Chancellor Angela Merkel from international climate politics. And when she finally leaves in 2021, her exit from negotiations on global warming may create chaos with significant ramifications, if action to “save the planet” continues to lag as it has since the 2015 Paris Agreement and the vacuum […]
Searching For Germany’s Volkspartei
If the recent state elections in Bavaria and Hesse tell us anything at all, they simply provide three instructive lessons for Germany’s political elite. The electorate is tired with establishment politics. The political centre, which often balances extremes, is weak. Economic prosperity is no longer a measure for political success. Of course, the political landscape […]
Unhinge Europe From America!
After several months massaging Canadians, then US President Barack Obama announced his decision on the Keystone XL pipeline: “America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change. And frankly, approving this project would have undercut that global leadership.” Following failure by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others, […]
Climate Finance: Waiting For The First EU $1 From Pledged $100 Billion
Listening to Europe speak in Bonn, Germany during the recent conference on how to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, it is possible to be get carried away thinking, nay believing, that the global response is well underway. But it isn’t. Talk of European progress and solidarity with developing countries is not enough. The […]
Merkel Promises To Listen To The Cold Wind From The East
A very important and instructive lesson that politicians and those in governments, the world over, should learn from the outcome of the latest German elections is that the seeds of nationalism and populism also flourish in the garden of wealth and economic prosperity. The election results question a common narrative theorists and analysts frequently use […]