The Austrian far-right FPÖ’s likely return to government raises concerns about the erosion of liberal democracy.
Far-Right wins in Austria and Germany: what mainstream parties keep getting wrong
Recent far-right victories in Europe reveal the dangerous effects of mainstreaming extremist views and the urgent need for a new political strategy.
Twenty-four points for social democracy
Anchored in classical social-democratic politics, the SPÖ’s vision for Austria offers signposts for the European political family.
When ‘never again’ becomes ‘again and again’
The dalliance of the German AfD with neo-Nazis is echoed by the brazenness of the far right in Austria.
Normalising the far right: a warning from Austria
Facing the threat from right-wing populism at June’s Euro-elections, Austria offers lessons for progressives.
Orbán, ethnonationalism and xenophobia
Rejection of the EU’s latest plan for a co-ordinated approach to people movement stems from Orbán’s redefinition of Hungary.
New SPÖ leader: can he stem the far-right surge?
After months of strife among Austria’s social democrats—and an election screw-up—they have a new leader.
Exploiting every crisis: why the FPÖ is topping the polls
At the heart of the scandal that broke the right-wing coalition government in 2019, the Freedom Party is now riding high.