Human Rights on the Edge
Can human rights survive the decline of global Western hegemony?
Can human rights survive the decline of global Western hegemony?
Amid political chaos, smart executives keep their eyes on real growth—green tech, innovation, and long-term resilience.
A critique of mainstream economics’ failures and its resistance to change.
Resentment over pandemic policies fuels far-right gains, deepens distrust in science, and reshapes politics in the US and Europe.
Inequalities in cancer prevention and care remain a glaring issue.
Richard Bärnthaler and Andreas Novy
Fossil fuel giants and entrenched elites block climate action.
Trump’s tariff push risks backfiring, threatening U.S. growth, global investment, and the economic stability he promises.
A radical leader edges towards transforming Austria’s democracy, sparking widespread concern.
Solar and wind are now cheaper than fossil fuels, but…
Rising inequality drives a global surge in cosmetic procedures.
Trump’s sweeping tariffs promise to reshape global trade.
Fugitive Polish officials accused of corruption find asylum in Hungary, raising concerns about EU rule of law.
Trump’s second presidency could derail progress, dismantle Enlightenment values, and reshape global politics for the worse.
Thorsten Schulten and Torsten Müller
EU’s minimum wage directive is under threat.
As democracy falters, voters turn to populists. Can innovation save democracy from its outdated frameworks?
Trump’s second term will devastate democracy, erode global norms, and deepen the consequences of America’s collective folly.
Dissatisfied voters and outdated systems fuel populism’s rise. Can bold reforms restore trust in liberal democracy?